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General instructions for dictation

  • The information you need for the dictations will be given to the right of audio title (e.g. /4; 3 flats means the time signature will feature a '4' on the bottom and the key signature will feature 3 flats)

  • The opening clicks will always give you the beat unit; do not feature it in your dictation

       Answer Key:

CHAPTER 26: Dictations featuring viio6

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 26.1 Trombone - /8; 2 flats
Chapter 26.2 Winds - /2; 0 sharps/flats

CHAPTER 27: Dictations featuring ii, iio6, IV6, and iv6

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 27.1 Cello - /4; 2 flats
Chapter 27.2 Strings - /4; 5 sharps

CHAPTER 28: Dictations featuring vi or VI

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 28.1 Cello - /4; 4 sharps
Chapter 28.2 Strings - /4; 1 flat

CHAPTER 29: Dictations featuring iii or III

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 29.1 Cello - /4; 1 flat
Chapter 29.2 Strings - /4; 4 flats

CHAPTER 30: Dictations featuring the cadential six-four chord

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 30.1 Winds - /4; 3 flats
Chapter 30.2 Winds - /2; 2 flats

CHAPTER 31: Dictations featuring other six-four chords (passing and pedal)

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 31.1 Strings - /4; 0 sharps/flats
Chapter 31.2 Strings - /4; 0 sharps/flats

CHAPTER 32: Dictations featuring diatonic seventh chords

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 32.1 Strings - /4; 1 flat
Chapter 32.2 Strings - /4; 2 flats

CHAPTER 33: Dictations featuring diatonic seventh chords​ and six-four chords

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 33.1 Strings - /4; 3 flats
Chapter 32.1 Strings - /4; 2 flats

CHAPTER 34: Dictations featuring applied chords of V

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 34.1 Trombone - /8; 3 flats
Chapter 34.2 Winds - /2; 1 sharp

CHAPTER 35: Dictations featuring applied chords of IV or iv

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 35.1 Clarinet - /4; 2 flats
Chapter 35.2 Strings - /4; 1 flat

CHAPTER 36: Dictations featuring applied chords of ii

  • Major mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 36.1 French Horn - /8; 0 sharps/flats
Chapter 36.2 Strings - /4; 3 flats

CHAPTER 37: Dictations featuring applied chords of ii, iv, IV, or V (may feature multiple applied chords in the same excerpt)

  • Major or minor mode; simple or compound meter; all excerpts are 4-7 measures long

Chapter 37.1 Cello - /4; 1 flat
Chapter 37.2 Strings - /4; 4 flats
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